How to Grow Cut Flowers
Learn how to plan and grow an abundant cut flower garden at your own pace. This online gardening class is in video format and is for beginner and intermediate gardeners who want to learn how to grow cut flowers to sell. Each lesson includes video, text, and downloads (when applicable) and is designed for you to be able to reference it throughout your growing season. This class is split into two parts. Part one is “How to Plan a Cut Flower Garden” and part two is “How to Grow Cut Flowers”. Scroll for more information.
we teach a manageable side-hustle gardening method
Because there is a lot to learn as a beginner, start small, invest wisely, and have a good plan. You can grow a lot of flowers in a small space, and you probably don’t need a tractor or greenhouse to do it. We’ve learned that bigger isn’t always better. In this class we show you the exact method we use to grow flowers in our spare time, without big investments or fancy equipment.
what our students are saying
“Wonderful resource”
“This class is well thought out and helpful with helpful pdf examples. Much more than many I have taken.”
“This course is well thought out and thorough. It is simple enough a beginning grower can understand and thorough enough an intermediate grower who is new to cut flowers will learn a lot.”
The Gardening Bundle
part one: planning

included in part one:
→ how to make a garden map (and why that’s important!)
→ making a list of what to grow (you need more than dahlias)
→ a master list of sowing and growing requirements (our most requested download, FREE!)
→ how many seeds to buy
→ when to order seeds, plugs, bulbs, corms, tubers, etc.
→ where to source seeds, plugs, bulbs, corms, tubers, etc.
→ how to calculate your frost free date
→ making a seed starting and transplanting schedule
→ how to stay organized
→ 11 video chats where we explain our process
→ our grow list for 2021 so you can see how we planned bouquets
→ downloads & printables
→ community forum to ask questions! (maybe the best part)

part two: growing

included in part two:
→ what potting soils and trays to use to start seeds inside
→ how to start seedlings and bump them up to larger trays
→ how to water plants indoors
→ growing with grow lights
→ hardening off and transplanting
→ succession sowing & plant spacing
→ pinching and pruning
→ netting and supports
→ choosing the correct sun, shade, and soil conditions
→ our weed control method
→ irrigation
→ compost & our preferred No Dig method
→ pest and disease control
→ fertilizers
→ helpful how to videos
→ community forum to ask questions!
The Gardening Bundle

We planted our disastrous first cut flower garden in 2015 and have spent the years since then laying careful garden plans to avoid repeating that failure.
If you are facing your first (or second) gardening season and are feeling overwhelmed with all there is to learn, we created this class with you in mind. It can be daunting to chase a dream, especially if that dream is to grow cut flowers.
We wanted to give you somebody in your corner who has been
there before and who appreciates the struggle!
You should know we have some preconceived notions about you! One is that you are willing to work hard and the other is that you are not afraid to try new things and risk failure. This flower gig will require fortitude, but if it has taught us one thing it’s that WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. That, honestly, might be the most valuable lesson of all. However, if you’re just wanting to do this FOR FUN… this class is absolutely for you, too.
More about Side Hustle Gardening
The kind of farming that we teach fits a side hustle model. That is the beauty of gardening as a side hustle: while you work, so does the garden. Give it the care it needs and it will flourish and reward you with more blooms than you know what to do with.
How about this? Dip your toe into flower farming first and figure out if you actually LIKE to grow flowers before taking the plunge. We have not regretted our decision to make flowers our side hustle first.
Flower farming and getting to play with the beauty you grow IS dreamy and wonderful and all those things, but there is a LOT to learn, and let’s not kid ourselves, this is hard work.
Start small. Amazing things come from tiny seeds after all.